Petr Zuska Navigaton

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Les bras de mer

  • Choreography: Petr Zuska
  • Music: Yann Tiersen
  • Costumes: Roman Šolc
  • Sets and light design: Petr Zuska
  • Duration: 16 min.
  • Number of dancers: 2
  • World premiere: 12. 7. 2001 - Gala Prix DomPerignon, Hamburk
  • Czech premiére: 27. 2. 2002 - Laterna Magika
  • As well as Galas all around the world

Also in repertoire: Royal Danish Ballet (2005), Hungarian Ballet (2007)

Les bras de mer (The Arms of the Sea – a sea bay) is a duet, or a quartet, for a woman, man, table and chair. It is a parable of a relationship between two persons, leading a gentle dialogue and immersed in tense silence, their permeation and passing by. A relationship full of departures and returns to the circle of expectations, as well as questions as to who is the person next to me and who am I…

Foto: Roman Sejkot, Pavel Hejný