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The Lyrical
- Choreography: Petr Zuska
- Music: Ukrainian and Eastern Slovak ballads (Vyšivanka – Lada)
- Costumes: Roman Šolc
- Light design: Petr Zuska
- Video projection: Tomáš Stibor
- Duration: 8 min.
- Number of dancers: 2
- World premiere: 24. 4. 2008 - Czech National Ballet
Also in repertoire: Prague Chamber Ballet (2010), Finnish National Ballet (2011)
Also performed in several Gala performances all around the world.
The duet is based on the motifs of three Slavonic songs. In his choreography, Petr Zuska masterfully depicts a moving lyrical story, with the essence of Eastern Slovak and Ukrainian ballads giving rise to a compact image of love, solitude and death. He manifests an exceptional sense for both rhythm and deviations from rhythm, which are so typical of folk music. A true poet of dance, Zuska makes use of the assonances peculiar to traditional songs, duly building fully resonant movement rhymes.
Foto: Hana Smejkalová, Divadlo na Vinohradech